D3T-2009 |
The IEEE International Workshop on Defect and Data Driven Testing (D3T-2009) Nov. 5 - 6, 2009 Austin Convention Center, TX Will be held in conjunction with ITC Test Week (ITC-2009) |
Final Program (pdf)
Day 1 - Thursday, Nov. 5 4:00pm - Opening Remarks: M. Tehranipoor (Univ. of Connecticut)
4:10pm - 5:00 pm Thursday Keynote: Design for Reality -- Validation of Timing Analysis with Test Measurements Magdy Abadir (Freescale)
5:10pm - 6:30pm Session 1: Statistical Analysis and Yield Chair – Nisar Ahmed (Texas Instruments)
30: Manufacturing Processes for End-to-End Yield Optimization (Invited Talk) Matthias Kamm (Cisco) 30: Data in Culture of Zero Defects (Invited Talk) LeRoy (Freescale) 20: Rapid Yield Learning through Short Loop Electrical Fault Localization (Verigy)
Workshop Welcome Reception - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Day 2 - Friday, Nov. 6 8:00am - 9:20 am Tutorial: Data Collection and the New and Expanded STDF Format Ajay Koche (Consultant)
9:30am - 10:30am Session 2: Defect Based Testing Chair – Kohei Miyase (KIT)
20: On-Chip Power Supply Noise Measurements (UMBC) (nVidia) 20: A mechanism to address di/dt noise during delay test Amitava Majumdar, Ramamurthy Setty, Yan Dong, Nehal Patel, Arani Sinha (AMD)
Coffee Break- 10:30am - 10:50am
10:50am - 11:50am Session 3: Signal Integrity and Power-Aware Test Chair – Sankaran Menon, Intel
20: Extended Abstract: Developing a Novel Quality Metric for Path-Delay Fault Pattern Evaluation (UConn) 20: Optimizing the Percentage of X-Bits to Reduce Switching Activity (KIT) 20: Realistic Low Cost Framework for Supply Noise Aware Delay Test Compaction (Texas A&M)
Lunch - 11:50 pm - 1:00pm
1:00pm - 2:00pm Session 4: Industry Practices Chair – Hank Walker (Texas A&M)
30: Statistical Outlier Method Applications (Texas Instruments) 30: Title (Invited) Anne Gattiker (IBM)
Short Break- 2:00 pm - 2:20pm
2:20pm - 4:00 pm - Panel Discussion Test and Diagnosis for Parametric Failures
Organizers: Mohammad Tehranipoor (UConn)
Panelists: Michael Mateja, AMD Al Crouch, Asset-Intertech LeRoy Winemberg, Freescale Srinivas Patil, Intel : |